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Evangelism in the Center:How to Let Your Light Shine Without Blinding Your Client

In today's rapidly changing world, where Generation Z tends to place less value on faith and organized religion, engaging in conversations about spirituality during the options consultation can be a delicate matter. As pregnancy center volunteers and staff, we must navigate the fine line between expressing our faith and respecting the diverse beliefs of those we interact with. This article explores the art of evangelism within the context of the consultation room, emphasizing the need to let our light shine without blinding our clients.

The Process of Planting a Seed

Just as planting a seed requires a delicate process of cultivation, burial, watering, breaking open, sprouting, and nurturing, sharing our faith necessitates a similar thoughtful approach. Recognizing that the journey towards spiritual understanding takes time is key. The ground must be cultivated, trust established, and the message delivered with sensitivity before we will be able to see a harvest. We may only be allowed to plant the seed during the short time we have with a medical client, but rest assured, God’s plan will prevail and He will make good use of our effort whether large or small.

Talking about God vs. Sharing the Gospel

Distinguishing between talking about God and sharing the Gospel is crucial for effective communication. While discussing God can be part of casual conversations, sharing the Gospel is a more intentional and focused effort. It involves discussing the fundamental aspects of faith, such as the death and resurrection of Christ, the process of salvation, and the associated rewards. While we may find ourselves compelled to talk about God in every interaction, we need to be acutely aware that it may not be a topic that our clients are presently comfortable discussing. So possessing the emotional intelligence to choose between sharing a small nugget of information versus sharing the Gospel message will be key to a productive interaction. It’s also important to remember, we can easily reflect Christ simply by our love, acceptance and tangible actions. Words may come later or sometimes not at all.

When Is it Appropriate to Talk about God

Knowing when it's appropriate to introduce God into the conversation is vital. Some key indicators may be if a client records their religious preference on intake forms, talks about family beliefs & values, prayer, church or questions of a spiritual nature. We want to make sure some level of trust and open communications has been established between the client and  also that the advocate feels competent to address the client's inquiries before moving forward to discuss matters of faith. However, it is crucial to emphasize that the guidance of the Holy Spirit serves as the ultimate indicator. Evangelism should not be viewed merely as a procedural step to check off; instead, it should be a spirit-led initiative, preferably welcomed, to ensure genuine and meaningful engagement with the client. Otherwise the interaction could serve to turn the client off or feel as though your motives to aid her in her pregnancy crisis are less than pure.

Simple “God” Conversation Starters

In specific situations, weaving faith into the conversation can be appropriate but often advocates aren’t sure where to start if at all. While the following examples are not comprehensive, the may provide a starting point. 

During the Options Consultation 

  • If religious preference is listed on her intake, ask how she practices her faith and if this part of her life will affect her pregnancy decision.

  • During the fetal development education tell her the Bible says we are knitted together in our mother’s womb and that her baby will soon have fingerprints unique from every other person ever born into humanity.

  • Offer that sound council is one of the ways the Bible directs us to make wise decisions. Encourage her to seek a trustworthy friend to talk to and engage in prayer if she feels that may be helpful or offer to be that person if she is unsure who to turn to.

During Parent Mentor Meetings

  • Ask her about the values she was raised with and what values she wants her child to have as they grow up.

  • When she shares frustration or worries about a difficult issue, tell her you will commit to praying for a favorable outcome and encourage her to give it a try at home. Share a similar situation you faced and how it turned out better than expected.

  • As you are getting to know each other, tell her your faith is very important to you and that prayer is one of the practices that calms you. Then ask how she manages stress.

Sharing the Gospel

Sharing the Gospel is a more focused endeavor that requires a deeper understanding of the client's beliefs. It can often be more appropriate once a foundational understanding of the clients faith walk has been uncovered. Many times a Gospel presentation will prove most fruitful after a few interactions. Some indicators that the client may be ready to take this step might be if the client expresses interest in or asks what salvation is, they show signs of returning to faith or rededicating their life to God, they’ve begun reading the Bible or they acknowledge that prayer is important. These indicators may prove that the hard ground has been prepared or cultivated and is therefore ready to receive the good news you have to share.

Navigating the path to sharing the Gospel involves thoughtful questioning. Asking about the client's beliefs regarding Jesus, views on the afterlife, and understanding of salvation can pave the way for a more profound conversation. Offering scriptures, reading passages like the Roman Road and Ephesians 2:8-9, and then providing resources like Bibles or prayer guides are steps toward intentional spiritual growth in your client.

However, there are instances when it might not be as appropriate to share the Gospel message. Keeping in mind the parable of the seed that falls on rocky ground, these situations may indicate that it’s not time to share the Gospel:  When the client is abortion-minded and emotionally closed off, if they have recently been unwilling to discuss spiritual matters, when they make it known that they belong to a non-faith or non-Christian background and when external factors like time constraints or distractions come into play. 

In conclusion, evangelism within the center requires discernment, sensitivity, and a genuine connection with the client. The process involves listening to the Holy Spirit, knowing when to introduce God into the conversation, when to share the Gospel, and when to exercise restraint. By cultivating relationships and respecting the unique journey each client is on, we can let our light shine without overwhelming those we seek to guide. Balancing the expression of our faith with an understanding and respect for others' beliefs is the key to effective and compassionate evangelism.


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