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Save Her

We need your help reaching women online who are considering abortion. 

Your monthly donation will connect women who are facing unplanned pregnancies with the life affirming pregnancy care and resources they need to be empowered to choose life for their baby.

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Our Impact

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Women considering abortion that we have directed to pro-life pregnancy centers.

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Abortion-related online searches reached by our ads.

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Women who have chosen life for their baby.

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From Darkness to Light:
A Mother's New Beginning

Shayla, a single mom in her late 20s, had recently moved to a new state, seeking refuge from an abusive relationship. Feeling lost and disconnected, she began to fill the void with parties and distractions. When she discovered she was pregnant, panic set in, and she searched online for abortion options. That’s when she encountered our website’s chat feature—just recently added as a trial.


Through our conversation, Shayla received counseling on her options, including the impact of abortion and insights into fetal development. But it was "The Father’s Love Letter" that moved her most, reminding her of God’s enduring love for her. With tears in her eyes, Shayla rededicated her life to Christ and decided she would not proceed with the abortion. An ultrasound revealed the blessing of twins, healthy and vibrant. Today, these little ones are a source of pure joy for Shayla and her family, and God has blessed them with all they need for this new chapter.

An Unexpected Call to Life

Kayla, a young woman of 24, found herself in an unexpected and unsupported pregnancy. Though the baby’s father was aware, he showed no intention of helping her. Determined to seek an abortion, Kayla found our information page online and reached out via text.

Our team shared insights with her about fetal development, and as she viewed images of how far along her baby likely was, a shift began. She engaged in a deep spiritual conversation with us, ultimately feeling a profound call to rededicate her life to Christ. After an ultrasound confirmed her baby was 11 weeks, Kayla felt an unshakable conviction that she could not go through with an abortion. She chose life, moved by the beauty and value of the life inside her.

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Breaking Free:
The Courage to Choose

Jessica, a single mom in her early 30s, had already been blessed with a young son but found herself in a complicated situation. Though she desired more children, the baby’s father was abusive, and her friends and family encouraged her to pursue an abortion.

After submitting an online form, Jessica came to us for guidance. We walked her through the potential emotional effects of abortion, and these resonated deeply. During her visits, she came back for multiple ultrasounds, taking time to consider her decision fully. Gradually, Jessica came to realize that this choice was hers alone. With courage, she chose to keep her baby, confident in her decision to welcome new life into her family.

A Mother’s Fight to Reunite Her Family

Melanie, a single mom of three, was facing a difficult situation. Her three young sons were already in DHS custody, and she feared her new baby would also be taken from her at birth. Unsure and fearful, she sought out an abortion, feeling it was her only option.

At our center, Melanie saw her baby for the first time during a 10-week ultrasound. She returned several times, each visit bringing her closer to a new perspective. Determined to bring her baby into the world, she fought to regain custody of her three boys. Today, Melanie and her family are reunited, with her newborn bringing joy and hope to their lives.

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The Power of Innocence:
A Change of Heart

For Tasha and her longtime partner, life was already fraught with challenges. Her partner had recently been diagnosed with kidney failure and was on a transplant list, adding an intense layer of uncertainty. Then, they discovered she was pregnant. Initially overwhelmed, they considered abortion as a way to cope with their circumstances.

But after a long drive to our center, Tasha and her partner saw their baby on the ultrasound—a 10-week-old little one. They asked to be left alone, and soon, muffled sobs could be heard. When they came out, both tear-streaked, they had made a heart-wrenching decision: their baby was innocent, and they wanted to welcome this new life. It was an incredible turnaround, born out of love and faith.

Strength to Stand Alone

Eighteen-year-old Jordan already had a young daughter when she found herself pregnant again. The baby’s father had even scheduled an out-of-state abortion for the following week. Despite her own reluctance, she was torn, pressured heavily by him to proceed with the abortion.


In our counseling session, we provided both Jordan and the baby’s father with the usual information, though separately. Jordan became visibly emotional, while he insisted they had already decided. But everything changed when Jordan saw her 10-week-old son on the ultrasound. With renewed strength, she stood firm in her decision to keep the baby. She shared her news with her family, who supported her wholeheartedly, and over time, the baby’s father came to embrace her choice.

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Faith, Family, and a Mother’s Courage

Last fall, a Life Advancement Group lead brought us a call from a young man seeking information on abortion for his girlfriend, Andrina. She had taken a home pregnancy test and was deeply anxious, hesitant even to speak with us. Over several weeks, using the LifeLead app, we kept in contact, finally encouraging them to come in for an appointment.


Andrina arrived with her boyfriend, nervous as she completed the intake form. She told us she was undecided about her pregnancy, feeling uncertain and overwhelmed. But after seeing her baby during the ultrasound, her face lit up with joy, and she smiled, saying, “I think we can keep it.” We celebrated her decision, connecting her to resources through ZoeCare and local services.

However, the following days were filled with struggle. Andrina’s boyfriend faced pressure from his 

family, who urged him to disconnect from her and the baby. Torn and feeling alone, Andrina wavered between parenting and adoption, even as her boyfriend obtained abortion pills and gave them to her. Andrina felt helpless but remained determined to keep her baby, despite her financial hardships. With ZoeCare’s help and support from a men’s Bible study group, she received assistance for rent and essential needs, helping her stand firm in her choice.

Throughout the winter, we stayed by her side. In January, she faced a crisis during a snowstorm, experiencing concerning symptoms. Desperate to reach the hospital, she became stuck in a snowdrift. Her landlord tried to help, but they remained snowed in. When we reached out to the Bible study leader, our friend Calvin immediately left work, drove her to the ER, and covered her prescription costs. Thankfully, her baby was safe.


As her due date approached, Andrina decided to parent her child. In July, she gave birth to her beautiful son, Azael. Visiting her in the hospital, I held Azael, knowing that without Life Advancement Group’s initial connection, this precious life may never have come to be. Both Andrina and I are filled with gratitude for this journey and the support that made it possible. Her story, shared here with her blessing, reminds us of the incredible impact your dedication has on real lives.

The Heartbeat of Hope

Abby felt the ground shift beneath her when the pregnancy test came back positive. She and her fiancé had always been careful, even using Plan B, but somehow, she was pregnant again. Searching online for abortion clinics late one night, she stumbled upon our ad and decided to send a message, never expecting anyone to be available at 11 p.m.​


“I hate the idea of abortion, but I have no other choice,” she shared. Already struggling with two young children, her relationship was rocky, and their finances were in shambles. Her fiancé had even kicked her out twice, and her parents wouldn’t be supportive of a third baby. Despite everything, Abby came to our center that Monday morning. We talked through her challenges and fears, provided education on her options, and showed her the tiny heartbeat of her 5-week-old baby. 


Later, Abby texted us, saying, “I’m really so glad I came to you before I just called a clinic. I’m going to keep the baby. I appreciate everything.” Her words remind us that a simple conversation can bring hope to even the hardest situations.

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A Dream That Changed Everything

When Ava first came to our center, she was filled with doubt and fear. A young, first-time mom, she had reached out quietly through a lead form, not sharing much about her situation. During her first ultrasound appointment, she opened up about her worries. She felt too young, too unprepared, and too alone to become a mother.

Her family and friends, even the baby’s father, all encouraged her to abort. Her own stepmother admitted to having gone through multiple abortions in the past, which only added to Ava’s loneliness. Despite attending three separate ultrasound appointments, Ava couldn’t make up her mind. But one night, she had a dream about her baby, a dream so vivid that it changed everything. She chose to keep her baby, deciding that she wanted to be a mother after all.


Her beautiful baby was born this summer, and we continue to support her with material assistance.

A Choice of Hope in Times of Uncertainty

In late March, a young woman, whom we’ll call “A,” called us in need of options. She felt unprepared emotionally, physically, and financially to become a mother. She had minor health concerns and worried about high-risk factors for her pregnancy. After going over options counseling and seeing her 6-week ultrasound, she remained undecided. Her boyfriend supported her decision either way, though she chose to attend the appointment alone.

A few days later, on the day of our annual Full Circle fundraising banquet, “A” returned for another scan. This time, her baby had grown noticeably, and she could see a strong heartbeat. Though she still felt uncertain, she admitted that the encouragement she received made her feel a bit more capable. She left with her head held a little higher and a new sense of hope. We’re looking forward to her next appointment, where she plans to bring her boyfriend along.

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Finding the Courage to Choose Life

One morning, we received a new lead from Life Advancement Group: “This is for my 15-year-old daughter, and she doesn’t want this right now in her life.” Within an hour, both mother and daughter were at our clinic.

The young girl met with a client advocate who walked her through fetal development, parenting, and adoption options, while her mother spoke with another advocate. The girl was firm: “I don’t want a baby right now!” Her mother, though supportive, felt it was her daughter’s choice and explained that their large family, including 30 grandchildren, might not fully understand.

After seeing the ultrasound of a very active 9-week baby, both mother and daughter seemed ready to move forward with an abortion. But on their drive home, the girl changed her mind. The mother later 

texted us: “As we drove down the street, she decided to keep her baby. She cried a little, worrying about what others might think, but I told her, ‘Who cares? This baby is a blessing from God, and we’ve got this.’ We are both so happy now. Thank you, and God bless you all.”

A Path to Healing Through Adoption

Brianna’s story is a rare and beautiful example of a mother choosing adoption. When she first came to us, she was struggling. She had experienced two previous abortions, which left her feeling a deep sense of pain and regret. Unemployed and financially unstable, she felt there was no way to support another child.

However, during her ultrasound appointment, Brianna felt a shift. A client came to us through the Life Advancement Group ad. She was going through a painful divorce and arrived at our clinic alone, bruised and deeply emotional.

She has four children, two of whom have special needs, and the thought of bringing another child into her life felt overwhelming. She admitted to considering abortion. We shared information about abortion 

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risks and resources for parents, and she agreed to an ultrasound. Since that initial visit, she has continued to come to the clinic, participating in parental courses and finding new strength for her journey ahead. We are honored to support her through these difficult moments. We counseled her on all her options, she decided to place her baby for adoption. Through her choice, two lives were saved, and she found a way forward that brought peace and healing. Stories like Brianna’s remind us that every option deserves to be considered.

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An Unseen Miracle:
Choosing Life Against the Odds

We recently received a request from a mom looking to get an ultrasound before her abortion. She thought we offered abortion services and asked if we provided the abortion pill or surgical procedures. We clarified our mission and welcomed her in for an appointment.

During her ultrasound, it became clear that she was over 21 weeks along. She could see her baby on the screen—moving, fully formed. Despite everything, she still felt overwhelmed by her financial situation and was determined to go through with the abortion. But several days later, she contacted us again. She had changed her mind, saying, “I’ve decided to keep my baby.” We know that countless prayers were answered when we saw that message.

A Mother’s Unbreakable Resolve

Jaylisa was searching for answers on Google when she found our center and called to set up an appointment. She had just learned she was pregnant, and the news left her in shock—especially since the baby’s father had recently passed away in a tragic car accident. Though they had been trying to conceive, their relationship had been rocky, and now Jaylisa was left facing an uncertain future alone.

During her first visit to our mobile clinic, we confirmed her pregnancy with a test and performed an ultrasound, though it was too early to see much. We sent her home with a gift and some encouragement, asking her to come back soon. When Jaylisa returned for her follow-up ultrasound, she shared more of her struggles: the exhaustion of her CNA job, the recent brain aneurysm her father had suffered, and the feeling of being alone in a city far from her family. We confirmed her pregnancy and gave her ultrasound photos to take with her, offering hugs, prayers, and encouragement.

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Since then, Jaylisa has stayed connected with our team, often calling just to talk. She’s since decided to move closer to her mother and grandmother for support. She recently called to share the exciting news that she’s expecting a baby boy! We’re thrilled to continue walking alongside her on this journey.

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The Sound of a Changed Heart

Recently, our team attended a training with Erika and implemented a new approach for counseling clients. It felt like a leap, especially for our Nurse Manager, as we adjusted our entire appointment flow and education process.

Our first client under this new system arrived with her boyfriend, declaring that she intended to terminate her pregnancy. We provided both of them with information on fetal development, abortion options, and parenting, though they kept their reactions guarded.

As we began the ultrasound, we discovered that she was further along than expected. The baby was active, with a clear heartbeat and a tiny face and profile. At the end of the scan, the baby’s father asked to hear the heartbeat again. When the ultrasound concluded, we asked them to share their thoughts.

The young man spoke first, admitting, “Hearing that heartbeat really changed my mind. I don’t want the abortion anymore.” His girlfriend began to tear up, and we left them to discuss it in private. When they called us back into the room, they had decided to keep their baby and were eager to work with ZoeCare as they prepared for this new life.​This couple came in with heavy hearts, feeling hopeless, and left with a sense of joy and purpose, ready to face the future as a family.

A Sister’s Silent Wish

When Krystal stepped into our mobile clinic, she was visibly anxious and immediately questioned why the clinic was parked outside a church. Our nurse, Beth, explained that the church generously allowed us to use their space and electricity, which helped Krystal feel more at ease.

Krystal shared her story: she had just separated from an abusive husband, and this baby wasn’t his. Overwhelmed by the difficult conversations she would need to have, she admitted, “I never believed in abortion, but I never thought I’d be in this situation.” As they talked, Krystal mentioned that her 9-year-old daughter had recently written a list titled, “36 Reasons I’d Be a Good Big Sister.” Both Krystal and Beth couldn’t help but feel the significance of this.

Though it was too early for an ultrasound that day, Krystal returned two weeks later with the baby’s father. She was thrilled to see her baby on the screen, and she began seeing her OB soon after. Through Life Advancement Group, Krystal has felt love, acceptance, and unwavering support as she navigates this new journey.

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Two Heartbeats, One Choice

When Anna and her fiancé arrived at our center, they were facing an unexpected and inconvenient pregnancy. With a wedding just around the corner, they felt the timing was all wrong. They initially planned to have an abortion, thinking it was their only option. But as they met separately with client advocates, they learned about early fetal development and the procedures involved in abortion. It was eye-opening.

Anna was also open to hearing the gospel and ultimately gave her life to Christ. Even then, she still saw no way forward except abortion—until they went together for the ultrasound. As they watched the screen, they saw not one, but two tiny heartbeats. Their twin babies were growing side by side. Stunned and deeply moved, they turned to each other and said, “We can’t kill our babies.”

That day, they walked out of our clinic, grateful to have found us instead of an abortion clinic.

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Life Advancement Group

35 W Huron Street, Suite 302

Pontiac, MI 48342

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